Greater New York Chamber of Commerce 212-CHAMBER

Spotlight Event - March 20, 2025

Women's History Awards Cocktail Networking Reception 5:30 pm Thursday


18th Annual World Trade Week Reception

The GNYCC hosted their 18th Annual World Trade Week Reception on May 27th 2021 (both virtually and in person) at Tudor City Steakhouse in Midtown Manhattan. This year's "trusted trading partners" were: the Consul General of Nepal in NY, Bishnu Prasad Gautam; the Consul General of Nigeria in NY, Ambassador Lot. Egopija and the Consul General of Panama in NY, Elias M. Levy. We also continued to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Lucio Caputo, a former Italian Trade Commissioner who was well known for hosting the Italian Wine & Food Festival in NYC. This year, the annual "Dr. Lucio Caputo International Statesman Award" was presented to Raffaele Ruggeri of Bice Restaurant Group. The Group has restaurants world wide; including NYC and Milan. A special "International Tourism Award" was also presented to Markly Wilson of the Empire State Development International Tourism Program. The final award of the evening was presented presented to the Caribbean America Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the name of Dr. Roy Hastick, the founder and past CEO of that Chamber who was instrumental in creating the Caribbean Trade Center now located in Brooklyn NY.