Greater New York Chamber of Commerce 212-CHAMBER

Spotlight Event - September 24, 2024

Greater New York Chamber Annual Business Expo, Tuesday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Marriott Marquis Times Square

Join the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce

Join chamber

Join the Greater New York Chamber and receive excellent marketing, educational & business assistance to help your business grow!

  • Business Listing on the official NYC web domain
  • E-mail promotion to over 30,000 influential business and civic leaders
  • Chamber Member Logo: for use on your website and email signature that identifies you as a reputable community-minded business
  • Social media promotion on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn
  • Weekly invitations to online /in person networking receptions
  • Member referral service & sponsorship opportunities at iconic events
  • Complimentary educational webinars & seminars on how to grow your business
  • MBWE, Loan & Grant Assistance, Government Contracts, Access to Capital
  • Sponsorship opportunities at iconic NY events & guaranteed lead service
  • Speaking & mentoring opportunities
  • Free legal consultation and expert business advice by professional staff
  • Business Research Center: gets answers on a timely basis
  • Introductions to trusted International partners & professionals
  • Import/Export Documentation (Certificate of Origin, Free Sale, GMP’s)
  • NY & global tourism assistance
  • Effective advocacy & committee participation opportunities including: MWBE, small business, mentoring, international trade & political action, Veterans Affairs
  • Recommended health insurance network & Discount Prescription Card
  • IRS recommends Chamber membership as a 100% tax deductible expense

Membership covers you 12 months from the day you join



  • One person representing the business
Sign Up



  • 2-10 employees
Sign Up

Non-Profit Org


  • All employees of the non-profit
Sign Up

Small Business


  • 15-50 Employees
Sign Up



  • 50 Employees / Multiple Locations
Sign Up



  • All Benefits: Private email blast – Logo on chamber home page
Sign Up



  • Customized Membership Program
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  • Customized Membership Program
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