Greater New York Chamber of Commerce 212-CHAMBER

Spotlight Event - January 17, 2025

Friday: 8:45 am - SBA Community Builders Network Initiative Agreement Signing Ceremony & Networking Coffee, January 17th


Outdoor Dining is here to stay! It's called Dining Out NYC & you can provide feedback on proposed rules.

The NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) released the proposed rules for Dining Out NYC, which will be the largest outdoor dining program in the country. Below you will find social media language, graphics, and video files that you can share with your networks to encourage people to provide feedback on the proposed rules. 

For reference, the program’s anticipated timeline includes:

  • The proposed rules are subject to a 30-day public comment period and a public hearing before DOT publishes final adopted rules. New Yorkers can provide comments at or by attending a virtual public hearing online or by phone on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 10:00 AM. To sign up to speak at the hearing, email
  • DOT will review and consider all public feedback and expects to finalize and adopt program rules by the end of 2023.
  • Once the new rules are adopted, DOT will launch an online application portal where restaurants can apply to participate in Dining Out NYC.
  • A restaurant’s outdoor dining setup will need to comply with the program’s design requirements within 30 days of their application approval.
  • On this timeline, the first approved Dining Out NYC setups will hit New York City and be on the street in spring 2024.