Greater New York Chamber of Commerce 212-CHAMBER

Spotlight Event - March 20, 2025

Women's History Awards Cocktail Networking Reception 5:30 pm Thursday


Annual Business Expo

On Friday, Sept 23rd the Greater NY Chamber Expo hosted our annual business expo at the NY Hilton in Midtown. This all day Expo was a great opportunity to make new business contacts and meet the movers and shakers who help run NY.

Businesses also had access to learn from experts hosting insightful seminars

  • On Access to Capital
  • Getting Employee Retention Credits
  • Generating Sales Leads
  • Using Marketing Statistics

Growing Your International Business Opportunities

Businesses attended a "Kick off" networking coffee & a noon time of Taste of NY luncheon that proceeded our special afternoon Celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Bangladeshi Immigrant Day and an opportunity to meet dignitaries.